Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pasta and Flickr

Okay, first the recipe...

Italian Pasta Salad

8 oz. cooked angel hair pasta

2 tomatoes

4 oz. feta cheese (tomato basil is my fav)

Fresh basil


Olive oil

In a frying pan, heat oil. Brown garlic in hot oil, making sure to stir a lot so it doesn’t burn. Place cooked garlic and oil over freshly cooked cold angel hair pasta. Add chopped tomatoes and crumble feta over the dish. Add chopped basil and salt and enjoy!

I made this for dinner tonight and used the basil growing in the backyard--it was divine!! And for those of you who enjoy cheese, the feta in this recipe makes it taste so wonderful (but if it is too strong for you, simply swap it out with a more mild type of cheese!) This is great hot or cold, and it takes minutes to throw together. YUM.

Okay, onto business...

I've had SO many emails about creating a flickr account, and it was on my To Do list forever...and it is now FINALLY available!

You can check out old kits and galleries here.

And you can join us here. Please upload your creations--I LOVE seeing what you guys have done with the kits! It really is one of the best parts of the job. And you have until Friday to join--when I'll randomly select a member for a RAK! Promise, this one will be a goodie...

And all credit goes to Tina here. God bless you for pitching in to help me! You are a gem and I love you for doing this!!

And Kristie Denton mentioned this article over at WT, so I thought I'd link it. Good stuff if you're in the market for a lens. I use mine all the time, and would be lost without it now!

Enjoy your day! I'm off to work on my latest distraction (more on that tomorrow...)


  1. Oh my yum! I must make that! :D

  2. hey trish!
    you asked about the paper on my layout...and who made it?
    i actually did!
    i cut out the black strips and adhered them onto my white cardstock!
    took some time, but i love the sunburst affect.
    i do this often...i either cut out the strips, or i paint them!
    i've already made a couple things with the kit! got it yesterday!
    will email them when i get the chance!

  3. That looks absolutely delish! Just been catching up on some of the posts I've missed in the past few weeks! Your blog posts are always a feast for the senses! I feel I'm getting caught up in my crazy life now, and hope to pop in daily to see all the wonderful stuff on your blog!

  4. that recipe looks yummy...makes me sad spring is so slow and our basil is still so little in the garden...
    yeah for the flickr will be great to see all the creations.

  5. That pasta looks delish! I wonder what your new distraction is... :-) HUGS!!!

  6. dear lord that looks delicious!!!! And what I love the best? I think I can make that! LOL!!!

  7. trish:
    at work we are doing a program called 'library 2.0' and we are learning to create blogs, add things,and one thing we had to use was flikr. oh, so cool.
    btw, went to fitch's this morning with the kids. 6 gallons later!
    can't wait to eat all those yummy strawberries! thanks for the tip!

  8. Yummy! I am going to make that tomorrow night. Thanks for sharing.
