Thursday, April 26, 2012

White Balance

Last week, I was asked about correcting colors that seemed off by a friend. It prompted me to show her how to use her white balance setting on her camera, instead of AWB (auto white balance) which is the setting she's used to using...
These photos of our dog are unedited, using the different white balance options on my DSLR  (I shoot with Canon).  The above is the AUTO white balance.
Sunny setting.
Shady setting (and the most accurate in terms of color, for this group of photos!)
Cloudy setting
Incandescent light (light bulb)

Flourescent light.

And Custom.

Can you see the difference in color?  If you're having issues getting the right colors from your camera, you may want to pull out your manual and learn how to adjust your white balance settings.  Canon's are very user friendly, and mine is constantly being adjusted, given the situation. 

Enjoy your day!

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