Monday, December 2, 2013

Coach's Gifts

Wanted to share a few recent collages I've made for coach's gifts.  I had them printed out at Costco (size 16x20 is only $5.99).  They're personal and made in a pinch--and once you make one, you're sure to do it again!
Instead of buying a frame with a mat, I simply added a border to enhance the colors.
You can use any type of editing software, and if you google "free collage templates" you'll also find a ton of freebies.  Believe me, if I can do it, you can too...
Enjoy your day!!


  1. What kind of camera do you have??

  2. Hi! A friend shared your blog with me. You are so creative!! I am working on a collage for a teacher gift, as well. I'm not having luck with collage software. I want to use 26 to 30 pictures in one collage. Do you have a recommendation on software that is hopefully free. :-) Thank you!
