Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Few Layouts to share...

...from this past weekend's crop...

And this one was Mary Ann's...
I've been working on the March newsletters that will be emailed out on March 1st, and have also been shipping kits like a mad woman! I am especially glad for my mail carrier on days like these--we got about 8 inches of snow here last night (snow day for my kids!) and I don't have to leave the house. So hopefully I'll produce a few more of these layouts soon...

I'll also be posting information on the new subscription program very soon. I've had a ton of email on it, and I look forward to starting sign-ups in the next day or two. Stay tuned!

Enjoy your Tuesday, and make it a great day!


  1. they look marvelous! i love maryanne's with the bubbles and your kids on your front portch.
    how many layout did you do this weekend, not counting your book?

  2. Those are amazing! I love that they are creative and artistic, yet they still focus on the photo. So many scrappers have a hard time balancing it all. I LOVE this site. It's one of the first places I visit in the morning with my A.M. coffee. =] Thanks.

  3. Ooh! These are some great layouts! Man, you were a little scrappin machine this weekend. Just how much did you do!? I'm glad you're making the most out of those snow days! :-) Hugs!

  4. Hey Trish, those layouts are beautiful. I'm so glad that you got so much accomplished at your crop.
