Monday, October 4, 2010

Photography Stuff

You might recall that my camera is out for repair. I must say, at first I had the terrible sinking feeling (I have compared it to feeling like I've run out of toilet paper. I know--dramatic.) While it is in the shop, I've been fortunate enough to borrow my friend Jen's camera. And now that I've grown accustom to using her awesome wide-angle lens, it has inspired me to break out of my comfort zone a bit.

I normally shoot with my 50mm 1.4f lens. I have a Canon DSLR, and have been using one since 2003. I own 4 lenses, but I almost always revert to my trusty 50mm. The 50 is a prime lense--it is fixed and does not zoom unless you move in closer. It is wonderful for low light situations (and since it gets dark here in Ohio around 6:30 these days, I am often forced to shoot in those conditions.)

I've been doing a lot of photography lately. Feels good. Really good. Wanted to share a few links that I've found interesting today...

8 Tips on Taking Party Pictures

Tips on shooting in Direct Sunlight (love this lately!)

Halloween Photography Tips

And for those of you who have signed up for Senior Portraits with me, here is a link on tips for formal senior pictures, and here is a link for more informal picture suggestions.

I am by no means an expert--but a student in this awesome hobby. I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have--so feel free to post if you'd like!

Enjoy your Monday!


  1. i shall take a look at these links, but had to laugh about the toilet paper! love it!

  2. thanks for passing on these links and tips. always hungry for those!
