Saturday, October 23, 2010

White Space

I was recently asked to describe my scrapping style and that got me thinking (and looking through my layouts). The one thing that jumped out at me is that I tend to use the entire page. Apparently, I do not feel that white space is my friend. Ha! I like to fill up all of my white space with text, patterned paper and embellishments. This layout is no exception.

I placed large alphabet stickers right in the white space of my photo. I think this added movement and a bold splash of color to the title. There was an empty spot to the left of the photo in the center, so I filled it with dots of chipboard stickers. It's random, but it works in filling the space and adds color.

The next time you are in a creative rut, trying filling up the white space. It's a great thing!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome page! Love those little dots--they add a lot of character to your page! Thanks for sharing your process.
