Thursday, June 2, 2011

2011 Travel Journal

As promised, here is an in-depth look at my finished Travel Journal...
The covers were created by me using the Bazzill Glazed Chipboard. At first, I tried using two mists on the chipboard to achieve the look I wanted. It was a huge flop. I used an entire bottle of mist, and all I had was soggy chipboard (no wonder I hate using that stuff--I'm still not a fan!) I ended up using 3 shades of blue paint once the chipboard dried. While the paint was still wet, I removed some of it with a paper towel, to show the relief. I love how it worked! And it provided me with the color I wanted...
Other elements used on the cover were picked up here and there, and are totally random. That was my intention. I knew I wanted to interject color here and there, but that most of the book would be blue/green, and that was it. The finished size of the covers are 6.5 x 8.5.
About a week before vacation, I purchased Ali Edward's Scrapbooking on the Road class, and knew I would use that as framework for this journal. I'm so glad I did! Normally, I take longer finishing projects because the journaling takes me longer, and I procrastinate. This time, I made time during the vacation (before everyone else woke up, or after everyone else went to bed) to jot down thoughts and feelings before they escaped my memory.
For my journaling cards, I used 7Gypsies cards. I also used the 4x6 transparancies that are meant for the photo carousels. They fit perfectly in with the project.
I used my own handwriting, and Ali's printables as quotes throughout the book.
Most of my embellishments were added later, after the book was almost complete.

I did use photo collages as well as 5x7 photos throughout. The 4x6 landscape oriented photographs had to be trimmed down a bit, but I didn't mind.
Each day got a title using alphabet stickers. These were from My Mind's Eye.

Recognize the journaling tickets from the Smash line? I used the travel ones in the book...

Many pages simply consisted of adhering one photo to the back of another, and punching two holes. That simple.

Like how I carefully edited the photos of me in a bathing suit out? Ha! I assure you, I'm in the book here and there...
I included a full overview at the end of the book, regarding the trip as a whole.
And the last page consists of a KI Memories pocket that houses a postcard, a few receipts, a map and a menu.

I will be using this format again, simply because it worked for me. Thank you, Ali!


  1. Oh my, Trish, this book is lovely!!! I love all the bits and bobs and different sized pages. It came together wonderfully! I am off to check out Ali's class. :)

  2. I love this album, what a perfect way to document your trip!!

  3. This is just absolutely gorgeous, holy buckets!!!

  4. You did a beautiful job on this album!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible journal Trish!

    Travelogues are also this month's theme at Scrap Rendez-Vous.

  6. Your travel album turned out so great! I love how you incorporated some of Ali's ideas from the class but totally made it your own. The colors are just gorgeous. Awesome job.

  7. Love your journal, so much so that I just signed up for the class.

  8. Amazing! I absolutely love it and must copy it page for page! did I say LOVE, cuz yes, LOVE!

  9. This is awesome!! I love that you did your jounaling each day ..great idea and beautiful album!

  10. that is totally awesome! i love what you did. and i loved that class too. so proud of you for at least trying the mist...keep really is great stuff {wink}.
    my heart went pitter-patter to see tybee...
    anyway, i digress...i just love this book. it's great.
    oh...and leave it to pinterest for me to see it there first.

  11. The album is fabulous! I love how your cover turned out. Where can I get that paper and the shipping tags...

  12. Agreed! I just used this format for a travel scrapbook and love it!

  13. popped across from Pinterest....a fantastic book and the perfect way to record your trip, love it!

  14. You really should have credited me for the "Go Your Own Way" image.

    amy rice
