Saturday, June 11, 2011

June Gallery Faves

The June kit was SO fun to play with. So vibrant and exuberant and energetic--just made me happy flipping through the papers trying to decide which ones to use. And it made me happy all over again when I looked at all the awesome projects by the design team!

I'd like to share my favorites from each designer.

From Cindy's gallery...What a fabulous way to showcase all those birthday photos AND the festive Echo Park papers! Love the contrast between the black and white pictures with the colorful papers--and how lovely the way they stand out against the white background! Love that Cindy added punched edges to that one stack! And how genius is the 4 made of the mini-popsicle sticks that came in the kit!

From Jing-Jing's Gallery...How perfectly sweet are these photos? Love that Jing-Jing filled some of the openings in the photobooth frame thingies with patterned paper--so clever! I also admired Jing-Jing's use of multiple journaling spots to house not only her journaling, but her title! Such a happy, summery page!

From Jamie's Gallery...Jamie's use of the project kit is absolutely stunning. Each and every page is a delight for the eye, but here are two shots that I particularly love. I adore the title of her book--and if you open it, you will truly find a fairy tale inside! Love that she made the front look like a wooden door with a doorknob.

All the photos in this treasure of a book are heartwarming, but I just adore this one, and the caption says it all... Love all the pretty punched borders and how she added part of a label to the edge of the page.

From my gallery...Here is the page I had the most fun with. That's my best friend on her birthday. I thought the Echo Park papers were just perfect for a festive birthday layout. I made this page for a challenge at Creative Prompts for You, so if you're wondering why I used that airplane (from The Graphics Fairy), you can see the prompt I used on my blog here.

I wanted to show a close-up so you can see how I rolled over the paper to show the back of the striped paper.

I hope you enjoyed this second peek at some of the projects from the June gallery! If you haven't picked up this kit, you definitely should--it's filled to the brim with colorful, summery happiness--and it's still available!

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