Thursday, November 8, 2012

Packing the van.

And it is FULL. Thankful for helpful friends and a jam packed weekend of crafting at the Bertram Inn. This is one of my favorite projects this year...
I've received several emails about leftover kits, and YES--if there are any left, I will make them available for sale on Monday!!  Be sure to check back with more sneaks.  Can't wait to share more!!
Enjoy your day!!


  1. Good morning! I will be stalking facebook, blog and instagram all weekend wishing I was there to participate! Miss you my sweet friend

  2. Lisa, I have a PILE of fun things with your name on them to ship out when I get back on Monday!! You are with me in spirit, and the place won't be the same without your smiling face!! LOVE YOU!! xoxo

  3. Trish, can't wait to get there!!
    Lisa, we will miss you...
