Friday, December 14, 2012

Clearance Sale!!

It's that time of year!!  I'm not doing a December Kit this month, but rather I'm cleaning house.  As most of my customers know, I'm VERY GOOD at packing clearance kits.  :)   Each kit will be valued at at LEAST $50, and contain items sold from this year.  So get one while you can!!  In the event that you order multiple kits, I will refund your paypal account after postage is calculated.  All kits will ship on Monday, December 17th.

Enjoy your day!!


  1. ME!!ME!!!ME!!!! Oh a little happy mail for me!!
    Thanks Trish can't wait for it to arrive!! :)
    Any word on the date for the retreat yet?!
    Blessings dear one!!

  2. OH Trish god knows I don't need anymore stuff but I KNOW YOU and you pack a mean kit...just PAID! Would have gotten sooner but just now had the time to do my blog surfin' over the weekend! THANK YOU!!

  3. I've always wanted to get a WIP kit, so excited... this is my chance to see a snippet of the previous kits.
