Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Tidbits...

It was a perfect fall weekend here in Ohio. The kids had Friday off--so we packed up the grandparents and hauled ourselves to visit a niece at collage. Out in the middle of nowhere, you can sometimes take a pic while driving (I just balanced the camera on my arm and didn't look through the viewfinder.)
I do love Ohio and the seasonal changes. Every one of them...
Lots of stuff going on here. My home is filled with boxes for the Bertram Inn. Three weeks and counting, people!! If you haven't sent in your final deposits, please email me ASAP. Tons of classes and product--very exciting stuff! I've received a few emails about selling class kits after the event--yes I will be offering those up for grabs with any leftovers! That has always worked out well in the past.
The November Project AND Add-On kits sold out. The reorder for the Project kit will be available on Wednesday to ship. I have a long list, but if you'd like to add your name to it, please email me at So glad it was well-received!
The December Daily is coming along well. Can't wait to show you more sneaks of it!
Planning and looking forward to a visit to NYC in early December with a bunch of folks. SUPER excited about taking that all in, and really looking forward to seeing a few more things this year.
The oldest turned 11 yesterday. The weekend birthday extravaganza is hard to come down from, for both of us. On to the real clean-up!
Making taco soup for dinner. A family favorite for years here. Thank you, BH.
Hope you're all in the midst of this season, too.

1 comment:

  1. *gorgeous photos!
    *congrats on kit sell outs!
    *and on being the mommy of an 11 year old.
    *energetic post.
    thanks, trish!
