Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Strength is

the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.
--Judith Viorst
For the love of chocolate! I thought I would share some fun, quick treats my daughter and I made last week for sweetest day. We picked up a bag of melting chocolates, oreos, pretzels and chips and let the melting begin!
For the oreos we melted the chocolate and dipped half the cookie and and let the chocolate set on a cookie sheet in the frig. The chips we laid out on a cookie sheet and drizzled the chocolate over.
Everything was made and bagged within a couple of hours.... sweet treats for sure!


  1. Looks and sounds delish...but chips? Like Potato Chips? Do tell!

  2. very cute. i recently picked up a magazine called GreenCraft. some great ideas in it, but i like chocolate more!

  3. yes, chocolate covered potato chips... they are the perfect sweet and salty treat!

  4. Very cute...but I would eat the whole chocolate bar...with my bare hands!!!

  5. yum-o!
    we had the chocolate and pretzels flying around here the other day...
    good stuff!!!

  6. oh, for the chips, you can drizzle carmel and nuts on them too! oh, so good!

  7. YUMMY!!! You know I love me some chocolate!
