Friday, April 15, 2011

Altered Drawer

This would be the second Project Kit for May's Work in Progress Kits. I had loads of creative fun with this one...
I have been a fan of 7Gypsies for years. I can't tell you how much product of theirs I own--I've hoarded it a long time. When I saw this drawer, I knew I'd make it my own...

I painted it and destressed it. Twice. Then I added some of the delish Girl's Paperie paper, and added about 80+ tags...

Lots of tags with mini pictures that are favorites of ours. Also several mini poster photos that are included in the kit. Here is a sampling of the tags I finished...

Isn't it fun? Filled to the gills, this one. I hope you like. I can't stop playing with it. Now that I've photographed it for the blog and newsletter, I am looking to jack it up even more with pieces/parts that I've been hoarding. I have the perfect spot for it on my sofa table, too.

Back later today with photos of all the May kits. Until then, enjoy your day!


  1. Oh, I really loved this idea. Had to pin it on my Pinterest! to remind me. =)

  2. LOVE this adorable little drawer and your tags are Fabulous!!! (=

  3. I love how you altered the drawer! Gorgeous! And the tags are beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration (I think I'm going to have to pick one of these up today!)

  4. Awesome! I never thought to alter it! Once again, lots of great ideas here on WIP!

  5. Oh for the love!! This is freakin' painful. why can't I be RICH??!!

  6. I love what you did with the drawer and the tags...amazing!!

  7. So fabulous! I had admired the 7Gypsy drawer but didn't know what I would do with it. When I saw that you painted and distressed the drawer, I did a "Oh, why didn't I think of that!" Can't wait to get my kit!

  8. canNOT wait to get my hands on this!
    bravo, trish!

  9. This drawer is adorable! I've seen it pinned twice on Pinterest and I had to hunt where it came from to tell you how gorgeous it is ;)

  10. saw that 7gypsies pinned this on their board @ pinterest.

  11. I love this! Drop by & link up sometime @ I'd love to have you share with my readers!
