Thursday, April 14, 2011

inspired by...

I hear some of you have not even broke open your April WIP kit as of yet…and here May is on it’s way. Hope that is not cause for you to pass May up…you wouldn’t want to do that. A beautiful kit and well worth adding to your creative collection. So while I was pondering this thought I came up with a couple of ideas on how to go about getting your kit open and used.


    I happen to be doing Project Life which causes me to weekly organize and print photos for my weekly pages. Because of this approach I see stories better. And when I see those stories through my weekly photos, I go ahead and print the pictures, even if I am not sure yet how I am going to go about it on a layout. This leave me with a constant source of photos ready to go whenever I have a creative moment or two.


Admit it, we all probably spend more time blog hopping than we actually do putting our own projects together. So when you see a layout you love, lift it! I know this is an obvious tip, but it’s well worth repeating. That’s why those bloggers put their projects out there. Well, O.K…they actually post in hopes of a streaming litany of affirmation. But aside from that, they don’t mind you casing their work. Just be sure to give credit if you post yours somewhere. I realize nothing is original. But if something inspired you, let others know where your inspiration came from. Above is as inspired by my friend Alexandra.


Is this as obvious as I think? Isn’t card making what got us hooked in this hobby in the first place? Well, for me it was. After you have a couple of larger layouts done, use what’s left for cards and gifts. Tags and bookmarks. Again, I have my own example for you as inspired by Debee. Layer up those cards and tags for others to appreciate and enjoy. I am a big card of fans, so this one is easy.

Don’t be discouraged if you have a kit or two not opened. Sometimes the creative mojo is just not available.  Sometimes there are not photos printed and ready on a whim. Sometimes one may need an inspiration or two to get the creativity going.

But whatever you do, enjoy the process.

wip siggy


  1. I'm with Pam--how cool are these? You never cease to amaze me, girl...

  2. Just love these creative ideas to get the mojo working! And what a great tip about lifting!

  3. Gorgeous projects! And some great mojo-going ideas! You are so creative. :)

  4. amen on the liftng part! i just had a post about scraplifting at my blog!
