He is such an amazing son. I thank God every single day for this boy.
He is out-going and friendly, unafraid to put himself out there and talk to people.
He is my social butterfly, and is always on the move.
He is fiercely competitive when he and his buddies engage in a Nerf War outside, and has more sleepovers this summer than I can count.
He loves his iPod, playing soccer and basketball, and video games.
He is a loyal friend and hates it when anyone is upset with him.
He's been asking for more time apart from his little brother to "spread his wings."
He is the first to apologize when he does something wrong.
He is simple and carefree and is all about having FUN.
He is sporting an excellent summer tan, and his dimple and long eye lashes remind me that he'll be noticing girls in the near future.
He's obsessed with dinosaurs and wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up.
He has a crazy imagination and comes up with the wildest things, and I so appreciate the way his mind works.
He's the healthiest eater in this house.
He is a deep thinker and an old soul, and I'm reminded of that when I hear his nightly prayers. Hands down, the highlight of my day when I hear those.
He has an ongoing contest with his Dad and brother for loudest bodily sounds.
He is a lot different from his older sister and younger brother in some ways, and is really good with that.
He is so very much like his father--his demeanor, his skin and hair color, his eyes and that beautiful squared chin. But that nose and his wackiness--that's all from me.
He is simple and adventurous and sweet and funny, all wrapped into one.
And I'd be bored and lost without him.
Love you, Evan.