There is an absolutely wonderful website I'd like to introduce today. Teacher Pay Teachers is a place where anyone who is a teacher (or helps a teacher) can go and find anything related to teachers. It is run by two teachers, and all about promoting education and SHARING. Anything from lesson plans to bookmarks can be found there! It truly is a wonderful resource for many.
The concept is that if you have a good lesson plan, idea or concept, you can post it there. The teacher can choose to charge for it, or offer it up for free. If there is a charge, the teacher who posted it gets 100% of all the monies collected from it. A vertual open marketplace for teachers. SO cool! Finally, a way to suppliment all the work that goes into what they do...
Here is a link to the freebie section there.
I hope you take a minute to check it out. It has been very inspirational!! I know many of my customers are teachers or help teachers...
Enjoy your day!

1 comment:
Thank you for posting this! I found a lot of great things on there!
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