Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Sneak...

...of the May WIP Project kit...This kit is jam packed with brand new product that is perfect for Spring! The Project kit will contain not one mini book, but TWO (and the possibility of three, if you so desire--you'll see!) The papers in this kit contain SEI Dill Blossom, Imaginesce, Making Memories and Teresa Collins. And yes, those would be the brand new Making Memories tiny alphas...what's not to love here? I can't wait to show you more...hee hee!

Enjoy your Wednesday!


Janelle said...


in love with
it all!

Ady said...

you are killing me with so much yumminess. I promised myself to restrain myself but you have so many wonderful kits... Ahhh...

jamie said...

you are a tease...and you just helped me shop for 'mom'...how can i thank you...

Anilú Magloire said...

Definitely need to get some lotto...
LOVE this one!!!

Gina said...

Oh dear! Trish, you are determined to deplete my housekeeping budget!! ;) That's OK - I can live on Campbell's soup for the rest of the month, as long as I get the kits, KWIM!

Seriously - this looks like an awesome Mom's Day kit! Can't wait to get my hands on this one!

Damaris said...

Just send that one right on over too.

Ryzmomplus2 said...

there goes the budget for this month! Another great kit and you had me at mini book!

Unknown said...

Awesome looking kit!

borcherding said...

dear lord woman that looks AWESOME!! Think I'll get that extra money from the government a little early???!!! UGH!! It's painful!!

Jewel said...

I am seriously dying to get my hands on that kit! LOVE it.

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

Wow!!!! So yummy!!!! Perfect for May and Mother's Day :-) I may just have to give in and buy one of these!!!

Anonymous said...

Beans again next week! I have got to get this Kit! You are cutting into my grocery money!

Molly said...

I NEED IT, TRISH!!!!! I should just forward you Paul's paychecks from now on!

As You Wish said...

Great creative use of their paper. I may have to adapt this idea for my daughter's baby book.