My dear friend Tina stopped by yesterday and showed me this beautiful creation. I had to take pictures and do a special blog post on it, as it inspired me on so many levels. Tina's daughter Chelsea left for college a few weeks ago, and Tina mentioned how cathartic making this book was for her. And it got me thinking. I'm pretty good at documenting day-to-day stuff. But seldom do I stop and take an over-view of one person through the years.
Here is Tina's mini, made with the on that comes in the September Work in Progress Project kit. I absolutely love the way she made the pages interactive...

And as a side note, congrats on making the COVER of the Holiday Issue of Scrapbook Trends with that amazing ATC Carousel!! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. And you know the best part? She was solicited by the editor directly--it was not a project she submitted. How cool is that?
Be sure to check out the WIP September Gallery for more fun ideas. I posted the gallery a bit early due to the holiday and all. There are a few of the Project Kits and Add-ons still available on the website--and sneaks of the October Kits will start popping up next week as well. Check out all the DT creations--they did a bang up job with this month's kits!!
And a special HUGE thanks to Emily for the awesome new blog look!! Love what you did with it girlie!!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend everyone!!