Friday, July 10, 2009

Whoopie!! A Give Away!!

A week ago today, I celebrated my 42nd birthday at Paula Deen's restaurant, The Lady and Sons in Savannah, Georgia. This is the photo of my son, serving me the most wonderful "hoecakes" (cornbread) ever (seriously--the most incredibly delicious food). Had a wonderful vacation, and I feel like celebrating a bit more...

So I'm going to draw a couple random names on Sunday for WIP kits. Be sure to leave a comment, and have an awesome weekend, ya'll!! (said in my best Paula impersonation...)


Susan said...

What a wonderful place to celebrate your birthday!! I would love to win a WIP kit! Thanks for being so generous!

Teisha said...

Happy Birthday! I'm 42 this year, too, and it's an awesome place to be! Beautiful kits, BTW!

lovin2scrap said...

Happy Birthday to you! And may I say, it would seem better than my real birthday if I could win a WIP kit! I just got my first one last month.... and oh my!! It is sooooo awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!


Angela L. said...

Happy belated Birthday wishes, my "Willow" friend... I feel your pain 'cause I will be turning 42 on this upcoming Monday, the 13th (of course it's our first night of Vacation Bible School)... Thank you for another generous giveaway! I have to admit that one of your lovely kits would really make my day, week, year, lol!

Kristi said...

I turned 42 back in April (Tax Day). We love watching Paula Deen too! I hope to someday visit her restaurant! With a woman who loves butter that much, how can you go wrong at that restaurant. I would love to have one your WIP kits! They are always so fresh and inspiring!!

CathyB said...

Happy Birthday! Apparently the world is being overrun by 42 year old women, because my birthday is next month and I too will be...42! We all rock! How neat to be able to go to Paula's actual restaurant! Thanks for the chance and you too have a wonderful weekend!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, Trish - sure looks like you had fun ... all birthdays are cause for celebration and I am always pleased when we acknowledge ourselves and spend these special moments with our families ...

mmmm .... that cornbread looks yummy - we don't have any restaurants serving that here in South Africa ...

(I'm being cheeky here) how about sending me a recipe if you have the time ... (

Oh, btw, always love having WIP kits ...

Love, Tracy G (Durban, South Africa)

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! Pick me Pick me Pick me!

Amanda Engweiler

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is July 12 and I will be 55. Luv looking at your blog. It is a joy to read and I love your kits. I drool each time I see one of your kits. Again thanks for your uplifting blog!


LisaNRoxy said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Trish!! I hop eyou had a wonderful birthday - how fun to visit Paula Deen's restraunt! I bet it was awesome. What did you have for dinner???

Vera said...

Happy belated birthday, Trish! I would love to win one of your kits!!

Susi said...

Happy belated Birthday. I also celebrated my birthday a week ago today. My husband and I have plans to visit Savannah soon. I'll have to check out Paula' place.

Anonymous said...

That is some purty cornbread for a purty lady on a lovely day of celebration, y'all....

Hope you had a great one!

lesliemc from WT!!

Kimber said...

What a great way to celebrate your birthday and a great giveaway! Hope you have many more!!! Thanks

Janine Rachau said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the chance.

Molly Joly said...

Happy belated birthday, Trish - glad you had a fun celebration! How nice of you to do a giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, how fun! I'm a year older than you and I love your kits, too!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Emily P. in FL

Melanie Stanczyk said...

Hi Trish!
What an awesome place to celebrate your birthday! And 42??? You don't look it!

Thanks for chance to win one your beautiful kits!

weze said...

Happy belated bday and I'm glad you had a good one! Thanx for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Trish!!! Love the way you celebrated. The kits are great and I would be honored to win one. Thanks, Cindy (Texas)

Maria said...

Belated Happy Birthday! Thank you for the chance to win something...

Char said...

I love Paula Dean's recipes and food. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday.

Happy Birthday!

angela said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for doing this!

Angie said...

Happy birthday!! I love Paula Deen- I always watch her show. I love how she says oil LOL

dasmith2 from wt

Celebrate Today said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Trish!

Veronica said...

Happy Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Savannah is one of my most favorite places on Earth! Haven't made it to Paula's restaurant yet, but I hope to someday!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday Trish!
I'm so jealous that you were able to go to Paula Dean's restaurant. I love her. Could you move after you ate? I think I'd stuff myself so much that someone would have to carry me out!

anet said...

Looks delicious! Happy Birthday.

MichelleB said...

Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day...wishing you many more to come!

Ady said...

I'm so happy you had a wonderful birthday Trish. I am starting my celebration this weekend and continuing until the 25 of July. WhooHoo. I love long celebrations. HUGZ

TraceyR said...

Happy belated birthday; looks like it was a special day!

Chris K said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a fabulous day!!!
Thanks for offering everyone the opportunity to win a kit- WIP kits are fabulous :)

Molly Umland said...

Happy Birthday Trish! I am only 7 weeks younger! What a great birthday present an new kit would be......

Heather P. said...

I love Paula Deen! What a fun treat for your birthday.

I love love love your kits!! Thank you!

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday! What an awesome place to spend it. That place is on my list of "must sees" in the US. =]

jude said...

I would so love to visit their restaurant. What a special birthday you must have enjoyed!

Tami said...

Oh!! Lucky!! I so would love to go there any day and enjoy some of Paula's delicious butter-laden food! Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome WIP kit!! :D

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I celebrated my 43 birthday back on June 10! I would love to eat at Paula Dean's restaurant...what a yummy birthday treat that must have been! :) Thanks for celebrating with us by giving away a WIP kit! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

chksngr said...

Savannah is such a gorgeous city! I didn't get to eat at Lady and Sons, the lines were OUTRAGEOUS that day..sigh!!!

Kim Ryden said...

I would love to win a kit! THANKS!

Nicole said...

Happy belated birthday, Trish! What a beautiful place to celebrate! :)

just jennifer said...

happy happy birthday! I'm sneaking up there too - hope I can enjoy somewhere nice like that to eat at!

Amy13 said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun way to celebrate. :o)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Trish! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Bev Montague

Patricia said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for the chance to win a kit!

coldincanada said...

Happy Birthday! What a nice present YOU are giving someone - shouldn't it be the other way around? Then again, it is better to give than receive. Have a wonderful weekend.

Rebecca K. said...

sounds like an awesome birthday! Please enter me in the contest!

Shawna said...

Oh how i miss Savannah. Loved living there and cant wait to get back and visit. I never did get a chance to eat there but i have heard rave reviews. Hope you had a fabulous birthday.

twinkles11 said...

Happy Birthday to you! what a yummy cornbread. thanks! eva

Lee said...

Happy Birthday!

My mouth is watering ... I'd love to have cornbread on my day ... can't get good corn bread up here (Canada).

Great pic :)

Andi said...

Happy Belated Birthday! What a fun place to celebrate your birthday! I would love to visit Paula Dean's restaurant.

Taryn said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday! I love Paula Deen. You are so generous with your giveaways!

Ginny said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. That is really cool! That hoecake looks so yummy!

AScrappersDelight said...

Oh wow Trish! Happy birthday !! (and I love hoecakes... YUM) Thanks for the chance at one of your fabulous kits!!

Tali212 said...

Hope you had a happy happy day. I dream of going to Paula Deen's restaurant.

graphics_girl said...

Yum. Paula Deen. A goddess in the kitchen. Happy Freaking Birthday to you!!!!
But, would you mind me asking the best way to win that WIP kit? On my knees and beg? Sending you a big 'ol cake?

Sandie said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I've always loved the age 42. I don't know why. Just seems like the perfect age. Young, and filled with wisdom. Sexy, strong, and knowlegable. KWIM! Of course... I'm going to be 46 in November. OWY sigh

lenore said...

Happy Birthday Trish! I am so glad you had such a wonderful vacation too!!

pickmepam said...


pickmepam said...

that's supposed to be HB2U, not PB. i can't believe i did that!

borcherding said...

Happy Belated Trish! I was born in the month of July too...think AWESOME people were born in that month? I think so!! ;-) Thanks for the chance to win. You have such a generous spirit! Peace and blessings! And TGIF!!

danismommy said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Trish!! I love Paula Deen, too! Was she there when you were?
Teri Miller

Marcy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How generous of you to give gifts away on your birthday! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome present!

erin said...

How wonderful... Birthday, beach, the best! Thanks for the opportunity for a kit! How fun!!!! Enjoy yourself!

BabyBokChoy said...

how i would LOVE to eat at the Butter lady's restaurant, but much much more how i would LOVE a WIP kit!!!

Nathalie said...

Sounds delicious to me!!!! Happy belated birthday to you!!! How generous of you to celebrate your birthday with us with this offer! :)

alma said...

Feliz, Feliz Cumpleaño y que cumplas muchos mas.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Wish I lived closer so I could go check out that restaurant!

Michelle Brownell said...

Love Paula Dean! How exciting that you got to celebrate at her place for your bday!!! That pic of your son would make a great cover on her mag or in her promo material. She would love it!

Jenny said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday, Trish!!!!! And I'm still so jealous of your trip to Paula's place. I loooove cornbread, and that looks delicious!

Marcy said...

Happy Belated Birthday! We're leaving for our family reunion/vacation soon too! Can hardly wait! Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful kit!

Ms said...

How fun! I would love to visit there one day! Hope she had some yummy desserts for you too!

Valerie said...

I am SERIOUSLY jealous that you were able to dine at Paula Dean's restaurant. BUT, if I had to wish anyone to have the experience OTHER than myself, it would be you!!! I'm glad you had an awesome birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday :) You are so awesome to give away a kit on your birthday!!! You know I love WIP kits :D

Honey...G said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Andrea said...

Yippee! How nice on YOUR birthday.

Rita said...

That is my kind of food!! Happy Belated Birthday........looks like it was a good one!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!
I love your blog. I am constantly inspired by all of the ideas. Also I have been drooling over the WIP kits for a long time. How exciting it would be to win one!

ruth said...

I could totally hear her saying that. What a fun birthday!! :)

Jewel said...

Happy birthday Trish! That corn bread looks so yummy. What a great way to celebrate your birthday.

Lisa K in tx said...

How completely awesome to chow on some Paula food for your bday! I would love to eat at her restaurant and win a WIP kit to boot! :) Happy Bday girl! Lisa K in tx

Laura said...

Happy Birthday !!!!!!! What a great trip to celebrate !!! I love your kits.

Marcy said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! How generous that you would give gifts away on your birthday! Thanks for the chance to win a great kit!

Lisa G said...

Happy Birthday Trish! What a way to celebrate. Thanks for being so kind!

Charla Lang said...

Happy Birthday, I hope you enjoyed every minute of that cake.

Charla Lang

JudyG said...

Happy #42. What a great way to celebrate. My mouth was watering with that picture! Thanks for offering up one of your fab kits.

Marcy said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was nice! It is very generous of you to give away gifts on your birthday - thanks for the chance to win one!

Lisa said...

oh, i always love to see your kits. i have never tried one but i think they are just lovely every month! please add me to the drawing :)

Jennifer said...

I LOVE Paula Dean! Sounds like you had a great birthday! Thanks for the chance to win!

Stormy said...

Happy Birthday! I love Paula Dean, hope I get a chance to visit her restaurant somedays, I'm so jealous!!

Susan said...

Sending belated Happy Birthday wishes your way. Thanks for sharing the presents with us~

Anonymous said...

I have a signed cookbook, but the restaurant was closed when I was there. Yum! And a happy, happy birthday (belated)!

Stacey B said...

I would be happier than Paula burried in butter to win this giveaway.
Happy Birthday...and how was the resturant??

Kim Scraps! said...

OMG, I have always wanted to go there. Love Paula Deen. Happy Birthday to you. Glad you had a great day.

Amy C said...

Oh, Trish, you're just a baby compared to me! Maybe a WIP kit would make me feel less ancient! Thanks for the chance to win one of your awesome kits!

Cammy said...

What an absolutely delicious way to celebrate your birthday!! Happy Birthday:) Winning a WIP kit would be awesome!!

Marie said...

That restaurant is on my list to visit! I do have a wonderful Cast iron Sweet Cornbread that is just yummy. Thanks for the chance to win a kit.

Terri Paulson-Sasaki said...

I have always wanted to visit the restaurant. I'm glad you got to go.

Mindy said...

What a cool way to celebrate you birthday! I've been eyeing you kits for a while now -- love to get one! Happy Birthday!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday! That cornbread looks yummy

Georgia said...

Happy Birthday!! How fun to visit Paula Dean's. I like to watch her show and I'd love to visit her place and taste the food.

Anonymous said...

How awesome I have always wanted to go to Paula's Resturant I love her! Happy 43rd Birthday :)

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday. I would love to win the kit - but it seems kind of backwards. We should be giving you a gift!

Marcy said...

Happy belated birthday! How thoughtful that you would give away a kit on your birthday! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erica Hettwer said...

That's a great shot! :D

Anonymous said...

Just returning from a girls weekend scrapbook retreat with 11 of my friends - I scrapped with and blew my friends away with your kits!! They are so much fun! Thanks and Happy Birthday! Stacey

aja said...

what a fun birthday!
keeping my fingers crossed for a chance at the kit!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish, Very handsome son you have. Julie K. Ohio