Greetings to you, it's Jamie.
Tis the season for hitting the books once again. For some that is not such an exciting thought. But there are ways to add creativity to the busy-ness of clothes and supply shopping. Today's post is about using that scrapbooking stash to add some fun to your kids getting back into the routine of school. Even if you don't have children of your own, perhaps there is a neice or nephew that would love a gift from your hand. Or maybe these ideas will fuel a gift idea for another occasion.

Here are a few more ideas:

This is a tried and tested idea in our home. Taking a 99 cent composition book and covering it with patterned paper. It's a simple technique but it always ilicits a smile from the recipient. For the book below I used a paper with a larger element on it (and what better way to use an owl), then I added trim with glue dots, and a bit of bling as well as cardstock letters and a die cut. Easy-peasy and it will be well loved and used. I have also added a pen holder to those I have made in the past and gave them as gifts. The mini-comp books are especially perfect for gifts.

How can you NOT love that face? She is so excited for kindergarten. This layout is page one of a two-pager. I just grabbed some shots of her and she added the excitement factor. I want to document all my kids this way, and use the second page to add some physical details.

This is a tried and tested idea in our home. Taking a 99 cent composition book and covering it with patterned paper. It's a simple technique but it always ilicits a smile from the recipient. For the book below I used a paper with a larger element on it (and what better way to use an owl), then I added trim with glue dots, and a bit of bling as well as cardstock letters and a die cut. Easy-peasy and it will be well loved and used. I have also added a pen holder to those I have made in the past and gave them as gifts. The mini-comp books are especially perfect for gifts.

How can you NOT love that face? She is so excited for kindergarten. This layout is page one of a two-pager. I just grabbed some shots of her and she added the excitement factor. I want to document all my kids this way, and use the second page to add some physical details.
Jamie, how I LOVE you...
I'm off to make backpack tags (once I finish packing boxes to ship!)...
Seriously inspiring...ALWAYS...
I just love what you do Jamie!
adorable pages! Love your ideas.
Holy smokes - where to start! Talk about a wickedly wonderful bunch of ideas! Love the back pack tags and I think there is a little man in my life that needs one of those. How clever is your kindy page. Jamie is in pre-school but I think I am going to start that with him in September when he goes full time. I think I will absolutely be lifting the comp book for me. With that paper being the owl nut that I am. Jamie - you rock.
That little notebook is adorable!
Can you tell me what paper was used to cover the composition book. I love it....
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