The September
WIP kit inspired me to do a layout on my childhood. Those cool chipboard elements got my wheels turning...

It made me think about this completely awesome Barbie Camper. This one belonged to my sister and I coveted it. Still a little bitter about it, to tell the truth. She was a complete and total tomboy--and my mom got me the generic one and gave her the real one--in an attempt to get her to play with dolls. It didn't work. I can still smell the plastic/vinyl if I close my eyes...

I played with it behind her back all the time.
Shhh...I still don't know if she is aware...

And this would be my Barbie suitcase. Yep--I totally had this one...only way more clothes than this. I was crafty even then--and recall
hand sewn skirts, dresses and a sleeping bag...

When I got the airplane for Christmas one year, I cried. I played with this and the Barbie Townhouse day and night. You know the one that had the working elevator that worked by pulling a string, don't you? I know I'm not alone here...

Oh, the memories...

Now, before you go thinking these were all my photographs of my exact toys--let me assure you--they're long gone. I actually did a search online and found stock photos of my favorites and used them in this post. I also saved them to my computer and plan on printing them out for layout about my favorite childhood toys.
I mention this because too often, we scrapbook the photo and use it as inspiration. But if you do that too often, you get a photo album. In actuality, the story is what I want passed on--and the photos of the items just support and enhance it. That is scrapbooking. Big difference.
What was your favorite childhood toy? What kind of kid were you--and did your toys reflect your personality? Have you ever told this story? Is it because you don't have pictures? Don't put it off--you'll be happy once you start, I promise.
I leave you with one last non-Barbie childhood favorite. And yes--I still own this one!!

Make it a great day!
Shut up!! I had all of those toys - I adored my Barbie townhouse!!! and I even had that radio ball!! Get out of here - you kill me. We had the same childhood toys and coveted the best!! You rock - thanks for the great memories!
OMG! I had those toys too! that barbie airplane brings back soo many memories! It was one of those Christmas gifts that I will never forget!. Saved the pics to my computer for future use! Wow, I feel old now! ha ha
I. Am. Beyond. Jealous.
I had one Barbie and half her hair was falling out. No camper. I couldn't wait to play at friends' who had the big collections WITH VEHICLES! I think that's my biggest regret of having all boys ... no Barbies :( Sigh.
I had a Barbie CRUISE ship. We played the Love Boat with it every day. I also had a mall with an escalator. Mine are all long gone. I think Shelly B may still have hers. I love this post.
I had the Barbie camper too!! I also had the Barbie Dune Buggy and loved that also!!! I always wanted th Barbie pool but that is where my Mom drew the line.
Love the post.
That "anonymous" post was me --Molly!
If you need Barbie pics...I still have my camper, airplane and pool! I just can't bear to part with them. ----evilwoman
Lucky girl! I thought I was cool to have a hot tub for my Barbie while yours was flying high. I have kept all my Barbies and even the dream house so that my daughter could play with them.
Oh my God!!! That is so cool. I can totally relate to everything Barbie :-) Great story idea. HUGS!!!
I was huge into Barbie!
Isn't that strange the way parents do things like that. I know my mom has similar stories about her younger sister. I hope I don't do stuff like that to my girls, but I bet I do as well. Us moms have reasons, but they never make sense to kids (even after you become a mom yourself sometimes, lol)
Loved seeing your memories. My first barbie was the Beauty secrets barbie. She is in my parents attic somewhere, I'm always bothering my dad to find her :)
OMGosh!! I had those too!! My sister also had the Dune buggy with the pull behind pop-up tent camper! (Coveted that dune buggy!) I had the carosel (sp?) kitchen! What was that all about - I get the kitchen and she got the cool car!! (that theme still exists is our lives!!) Love the trip down memory lane Trish!!
Oh my word...My sister totally had that camper and airplane. I spent many an hour playing with both of them. I also had that exact case. Thanks for bringing back those great memories!
Oh, I forgot about the cruise ship and the pop-up camper. I had the pool that came out in the 80s. I always wanted the Barbie Dream House. I coveted it every time I went to Toys R Us. That was the one thing Santa never brought.
Love this post!!! Those toys rock! I think I had something like the Barbie case. I also had the Barbie News Station. And a pool. And in my mind they go together, but clearly there was not a pool at the TV studio!!
OMG - I had that camper too along with Malibu Barbie who totally loved camping, or at least I made her go camping all the time whether she wanted to or not. The other favorite of my childhood was my Chrissy doll - you know, the one with hair you could pull to make it really long then wind a knob to make it short again. So loved those '70s toys. So loved that it was OK to play with Barbies when you were still 10. Now days Kindergarteners are already done with Barbies! Too bad. Great idea to do a layout about my old faves. I think I will. Thanks.
Lol Love your Barbie post! Here's a secret...I still have all of my Barbie stuff. Every single thing, including 1,000 shoes. :-)
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