Make no mistake about it...I had a major crush on Shaun Cassidy when I was a kid. He was my first concert--and I knew for sure I would grow up to be his Nancy Drew (he was a Hardy Boy) and uncover all sorts of mysteries with him. I had posters all over my walls. His and Andy Gibb's. What was it with me and the hair?

This weekend, teen idols were once again the topic of conversation. It takes broad shoulders to announce these things in public sometimes. After all, some of them sound made-up. Some of them date you or reveal something about the inner nerdy you. And you know I'm a sucker for that kinda thing...

My friend Amy's taken a lot of heat about loving Barry Cowsill. Oh, the laughs we've had at her expense...
And I've already professed my love for
Bucky Dent in this post...

All this got me to thinking...I wish I had some of my old posters. I wish I had a few baseball cards. Hence the above collages.
Technology is an awesome thing. I simply Googled "Bucky Dent Images", saved a dozen of my favorites, and created the above collage. Who is your teen idol? Do share!! My goal with this month's kits are to use my two collages in a layout about me and my childhood. I challenge you to do the same!
OMG **** Shaun Cassidy**** da do run run run da do run run.
What about Rick Springfield!!!
Yeah, my heart stood still! Yeah, her name was Jill! And when I walked her hom . . . da do run run run, da do run run!
Oh Shaun!
And Leif!
And Donny!
And Scott!
Oh the memories!!!!!!!!
I was SO excited I had to go look up those lyrics! Do you know that all these years it was never da do run run, but da do ron ron!!!! I can't believe it! Check it out for yourself, it's true! Am I the only one who didn't know this!!!!
OMG--I can't believe you did this--and that you found pictures of my dear Barry! Thank God there weren't any "after" photos... Such a fitting tribute! Love you, Trish! And you know I'm going to scrap this. Just so freakin' awesome... By the way, I have to believe that Tina is going to wet her pants over this one.....
David Cassidy (my first concert... only stayed for a song or two... crowd freaked me out... my dad was not happy with me, lol) and Andy Gibb! I had posters plastered all over a wall in my room... believe Shaun made the wall too but he was my sister's teen idol. And while not my teen idol, I ♥'d Barry Manilow's music (used to play "Mandy" over and over with the arm raised on my record player!)
Scott Baio was my favorite! Tiger Beat magazine now that bring back memories
Last week I just did a layout about my first celeb crush, which was on Bobby Sherman! Remember "Here Come The Brides" (or am I dating myself?). LOL
I was laughing reading your post and how it brought back memories... My first LP was Shaun Cassidy! loved him.. and Andy Gibb.. remember watching him on American Bandstand!
I have to say my true love was Steve Perry from Journey..Friday night videos lol!!
Ohhhh I looovvveed Shaun Cassidy! I had the poster of him in the blue jacket (bottom center of your collage) on my wall and I just knew he was singing to me! LOL! I had the Tiger Beat mags funny to dig up these old memories!
Quite a few of us must all be in the same age catagory :) I too loved Leif, Donny & Shaun. Steve Perry and Jouney was also at the top of my list. I even had to go buy those red, white and blue Nike's Steve wore that all my friends and I called "Steve Perry Nike's."
I remember hiding Tiger Beat Magazine inside my Pee-Chee folder to take to school.
Those were good times my friends, good times!
OMG I love this! Now finally Amy gets the real tribute to help her begin grieving, and it helps to see the "real" Barry although he is looking like quite the Mick Jagger if you ask me!
Okay! I already made a page about my childhood crush--Donny Osmond, but it might be time to do another! So fun!
yep, right there with you trish. andy gibb and shaun cassidy were my all time favs!
John Stamos -- I am still a huge fan 25 years later!!
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