Thursday, September 20, 2012


New kits will be up for grabs later on this evening. So excited to share! I'm ready to buckle down and crop with friends this weekend, and this kit will get a workout...

I've been swamped with editing, and very grateful to have the opportunity to have yet another successful photography season. Add to the mix two boys in travel soccer, and a girl in volleyball, and I'm stretched pretty thin these days. As crazed as they seem, I'm really happy with our family life as of late. Feeling a bit more balanced these days (even with Bertram Inn Classes and product
Go buy the new Pink CD or download it on iTunes.  Nothing more wonderful that a productive work day rocking out to her.  Love, love, love...
Wishing you a bit of joy and fufillment today.  Be back soon with kits!
Until then...enjoy your day!

1 comment:

pickmepam said...

love p!nk! so many great cds out this month!! (i get to purchase cds for the library)