I've had a bunch of emails regarding these topics the last two weeks, and I wanted to share some information on the subjects today.

I get a lot of my photographs printed at scrapbookpictures.com. One of my favorite things available on that site is the ability to add borders--and there are many to choose from. I recently got the above pics delivered to my doorstep, and I love the creative options they offer. (Note that if you want the border, go all the way to the "checkout" option--that is where you can view them). And at $2.00 shipping for your whole order, it's the bargain of the century...

I love Costco and get most of my everyday prints there. In the past year, they offer 8x8 options (above) along with a full 12x12 page for us scrapbookers. I do use my hp photo printer for smaller sized options in a pinch, but now that they offer the collage option (below) it is just as easy to cut something like this up and use them. They can also be printed out in poster form to make a statement in a frame. The borders come in a variety of colors and they're really inexpensive.

The editing software I use most often is the one that came with my printer. I love it, I'm well-versed in using it, and the thought of not using it makes me sick to my stomach. That being said, I also realized that at some point, I would have to learn Photoshop. So I took the plunge and have been learning a bit on my own and through the help of good friends who know more than I do. I have also signed up for
this class and am SO excited about the prospects of learning about templates. (Thanks, Laina!) Pattie is also a local gal, so I look forward to being a student of hers.

And speaking of Pattie's class, hers is one of several new ones available in the fall at Get it Scrapped. I heard a rumor there was going to be a photography class coming up over there (by someone a lot more knowledgable than myself!), along with an
art journal class and a
Vacation Journal taught by Debbie Hodge herself. Be sure to sign up for her
mailing list--you never know what good things happen over there. (wink.)
I also took the plunge on
CZ's class. Oh, and don't forget the continuation of the wonderful Sketches 101 in the Sketches 102 class
here. Oh, and of course Karen Russell's Photography class
here. Oh...the possibilities!! This whole online class thing is really something...
If you have any other online class suggestions, I'd love to hear them! And let me know if you've signed up for any of the above classes and I'll look for you, okay?
Have a great day!!
I've been wanting to sign up for CZ's class...should I, shouldn't I? LOL....
love Scrapbookpictures.com too!
Oh, I love how they look. I will definitely check it out.
I love the borders on your photos - thanks for sharing the great printing techniques. I am taking the Got Sketches 102 class and your Back to Class and I am lovin' both of them. You got me hooked on the online classes! Will have to check out a photography class next.
is that 'cz class' the design your life one...? the one from big picture scrapbooking?
the pics look so cool! i usually just print normal photos, but i'm lovin' the sepia and b/w. i'm gonna hafta change things up some more. this is just what i need to add some spice to my lo's. i tend to be slow for change.
I'll see you in CZs class. I also signed up for Lisa Day's Journey to Perpetual Happiness at BPS... who couldn't use more happiness, right? And scrapbok pictures does totally rock - thanks for the reminder.. I need to head back there!
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