I wanted to add that I posted a couple of dates for local gals who have been asking for more crops. I normally do not do scheduled crops during the summer months because the facility I use is also used by the community more often, and people are busy. Since I've had so many requests, I have decided to do a couple of Friday night crops at my house from 6-midnight (or whenever!) on Friday, June 12 and Friday, July 10th. Cost of the crops are $10, and it will include pizza and snacks. Please email me at Turay 413@gmail.com if you are interested, as space is limited. I hope to see you soon!!
Enjoy your weekend!!
OMG that baseball mitt mini is absolutely adorable!
Loooove that mini, Trish!! Can't wait to make it!! We're all t-ball and baseball here now, too. I'm thinking about trying to come to the July crop. Have to find out the "for-sure" date of the Coach-pitch All-Star game, though. DS is no star, but his team is sooooo bad, he'll probably get picked - he can at least hit the ball!
I need to make one of those too!
i can't believe you made that mini! the color totally rocks and looks so real!
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