All of the following used 4 pieces of the Lime Rickey collection plus one sheet of cardstock die cut stickers. I did add cardstock and a few embellies from my stash.

I cut the cursive letters using SCAL and my cricut.

I again used my Cricut for the title and starburst around the journaling block.
I still had enough scraps left to make a 4x6 page protector layout. (lots of new styles of these by WeRMemory Keepers at Archiver's)
AND enough for 8 very simple and quick cards.
Hope this inspires you to bring out the paper and getting scrapping!
Very cool stuff! Thanks for sharing :)
Laina...I'm serious...you are so inspiring...great job on all of those!!!
You can work that Cricut like NOBODY!! Love how you show how to make the $$ stretch, too...
You never cease to amaze me! Love the layouts and I must go find those divided protectors!
Laina - You are incredible - love the layouts and the inspiration for those BG papers!!
Holy smokes, is all I can say! Laina, you go girl! These rock!!!
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