...and we LAUGHED...
We were productive and met friends. Some of us met in person for the first time, after being cyber buddies for years...
Others connected with old friends or spent time with their moms. I love that. Someone asked me what I had been working on...and I politely pointed to the 4 tables of kits and projects for sale in the front of the room and said, "I've been scrapping for this event for the past 3 months straight. I'm strictly here to socialize!" And boy did I love the Girl Time...
It felt good to not cut someone else's food and feed them. It felt even better to eat a delicious hot meal that left me stuffed...only to return for dessert!!! And it was wonderful eating those meals with women who are just like me and appreciate what that means--who appreciate this hobby--and who don't do enough for themselves.

Sometime during the weekend, my sister told me I was like a pig in mud--I was "with my people." Amen, sister.
The candy bar was a hit. Yippee!!
The weather was perfect. I mean, picture postcard perfect. Lisa (who flew in from Florida to attend this crop) hadn't seen snow in about 15 years, so we prayed it would...and it did!! She got some great pics of the big flakes--yeah!
You know what happens when you announce that one of your biggest fears at a table filled with women? We haze you about it and torment you, thank you very much. Ladies and Gentlemen (if there are any who read this blog)...this is my sweet and dear friend, Jeanie. And she hates rats. Let's just say that she's pretty damn lucky this crop was held after Halloween...or her weekend would've been much worse. :) I love you, girl...and those adorable water bottles you made for everyone!!
We did get things done in between laughs...
Of course we took a few pictures and shared a few secrets. Marge drove from the Cincy area and Heather drove in from Indiana--and it felt like I've known them forever from the message boards over at Willow Traders. I love these ladies!!
And this would be Miss Florida herself...Lisa. Attention Jamie Pate: You are WANTED and it is our mission to lure you here for next year's crop!! We're aiming high, with fingers crossed...
And Lisa--I could have talked with you for hours and hours. Next year, we're going shopping, girlie!!
Gina and Emily drove in from the Cincy area too--and I knew right away we'd bond because of their quick wit and sarcasm--I love that in a girlfriend. Feels like I've known them forever, and they're only 4 hours up the road...
Melanie and Amanda attended their 3rd year with us, and looked adorable in their pink pj's. Amanda came down from Michigan and was one of my first customers outside Ohio when I first started this kit club...
And this is me, fresh from my 4 mile run with Tina. (Okay, maybe not. I just look that haggard! Staying up most all night will do that to a person...)
And the sweetest gal on the planet with the bunny ears is Ruth. I knew from our emails that we would bond right away, and I was right. She makes me want to jump in my car and haul myself to Michigan, for sure...
Two of the best friends I have, and I adore them. Also pretty awesome muffin makers. :)
And here is a group shot of the Willows who attended. Needless to say, it went way too quickly...

From the bottom of my heart--thank you for making this weekend what it was. Thank you for showing up and spending your time and your money in a tough economy. Thank you for your friendship and grace. Thank you for your humor and your patience and your generosity. You make me want to out-do myself every year, and I promise I'll do my best trying.

Sometime during the weekend, my sister told me I was like a pig in mud--I was "with my people." Amen, sister.

And Lisa--I could have talked with you for hours and hours. Next year, we're going shopping, girlie!!

--to the people who drove for hours to come and join us. It blows my mind what you guys will do to scrap--and I'm humbled by the mere notion.
--To Mary Ann and Amy for helping me with machines and name tags and anything else I needed. You guys are the best!!
--To Stacey and Kathy for running the freebie make & takes on Saturday. Never enough time with you!!
--To all 32 return guests with me this weekend. Thank you for coming back and joining us again--you're the best!
--To those of you first-timers--there were 16 of you--I hope it won't be your last! And I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I enjoyed having you...
--To the guy at Hienen's Grocery who told "S" she had TP on her shoe, and provided me with an hour-long laughing stint that involved many tears and snorting this weekend.
--To the security guard from another hotel event--thank you for going along with us in teasing someone about being from Eastern Onion.
--To Jill and Barb who couldn't attend this year but drove all the way just to visit and spend time and shop--I sure hope we can hook up at a crop this winter!
--To Tina and Laina for representing our awesome DT!
--To Ethan and Kenz for not having a party while their mom was with me cropping.
--To the sweetest sister on the planet, Chrissy. Your help and presence means more to me than you will ever know. Your organizational skills makes me question whether we're related. And your weekend supply of Diet Coke for me was quite simply over-the-top thoughtful. No wonder why you're mom's favorite. You're mine, too.

From the bottom of my heart--thank you for making this weekend what it was. Thank you for showing up and spending your time and your money in a tough economy. Thank you for your friendship and grace. Thank you for your humor and your patience and your generosity. You make me want to out-do myself every year, and I promise I'll do my best trying.
It looks totally amazing!!! I want to come some time!!!
Looks like a wonderful crop!
Well, you know that I'll be there next year, girlfriend. Thanks so much for such a wonderful weekend. To all those who want to come next year, the only downside to the event is there is a strong possibility that you might wet yourself from laughing......
okay....I guess I need to write down the date??? Although, I could do without the snow:-)
you throw a seriously looking party, trish!
Trish, you have no idea how much I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to attend this crop. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can attend next year. This post makes me SO JEALOUS of everyone that was in attendance!!
I'm a dumb bunny because I was there wrapped into my own world and didn't even recognize that some of you regular bloggers were there! Duh. Next time come over, bonk me on the head and introduce yourself! My only excuse is that I was in a Diet Coke coma.
Trish - I'm ready for next year. :)
This looks like SO much fun! You really spoil the gals who attend. I'll pencil in next year . . . now just to convince DH I should fly across the country to scrapbook . . . ;)
It was totally awesome. The date is already on my calendar. Do you think you could email me those pics? I took horrible pictures..yikes.
Thanks again for an awesome time.
This was such wonderful treat for myself Trish! You sure know how to put on an awesome party!! I loved being surrounded by ladies that "get it" ;) I can't wait for next year I am so coming.
Like Gina....can you share some of your pics with me too. I took more of Marge and Ruth and didn't get all the ones I wanted. I was too busy having fun :)
I will upload my pics to Snapfish and send you the link so you can print whatever you'd like. I need to finish editing some of the projects--but I'm on it! :)
I'm still on the awesome high from this wonderful weekend and already wrote next years dates on the calendar! (thank goodness for those 3 year calendars!
Oh my gosh!! Where to begin!1 Trish - I want to do it again RIGHT NOW!!! You can so count me in for next year, and the year after, and 2013 and well..just put me on the permanent list!! :) What a wonderful time and the photos were so cute!! Thanks again for giving us time to be with those that "get it" sharing what we love!! You ROCK lady!!
Oh my goodness. Looking at all these pictures gives me the goosebumps! Where is the Bertram Inn and how do I get there?!!
Oh, that loooks like so much fun! I wish I could come next year!
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