I just finished up a mini book on a recent trip our family made to Chicago, and today I wanted to share it with you. I love it for many reasons...but the top two are...1)I bought it as a kit from our local Archiver's, and 2), I finished the bulk of it before the trip, journaled while on the trip, and then added the photos when I got home.

You may recognize the kit using Pink Paislee's Daily Junque. I didn't make my book according to the directions (I'm not one to follow along those lines--call me a rebel that way.) BTW, if you're interested, they're still
available online here. You will also notice that I added a few of my own elements and leftovers here and there. The plastic #5 is an example of a found item put to good use there...

The way they had the book designed, it was interactive with the pockets and tags already. So I just added a little more (because I'm always looking for a unique way to add more photos to my mini books...)

In the above page, I used Smash masking tape as a hinge to showcase 2 more 5x7 photos. On the right, I added 2-3 tags with mini photos into each of the library pockets.

I love how they used glycine bags in this kit. I added another two of my own!

They're cool because you can see a lot through them, and it encourages the reader to peek.

I also added a few iPhone pics in the mini.

The last page stored our receipts to Shedd Aquarium, our fortunes from fortune cookies when we ate Chinese, and a few leftover pictures that didn't quite make it into the mini.

And this photo showcases the binding and the back.
Thanks for letting me share with you today!
This is SO amazing, Trish! I love all of the interactive elements that you included in this little book. SO, so cool!
i have oogled that over at archiver's...yours is fabulous! love it!
I love your version Trish!
so cute!!! we need to MEET the next time you are in chicago! ;)
Love it!!! So many great details! Looks like a great time! I think I need to go to Chicago!
Girl I always LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your work!!!! You always inspire me to stretch myself!! Thanks for sharing!! Blessings and hugs!!
Really inspired me!!!Love your style!!!
Nice work!!!
Girl I always LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your work!!!! You always inspire me to stretch myself!! Thanks for sharing!! Blessings and hugs!!
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