Monday, September 26, 2011

Dr. Suess Banner

I saw this idea over at Pinterest, and was all over it immediately. Yes, I have an entire Pin Board on my love of all things Dr. Suess. It's the teacher in me, I suppose... So I emailed the author of the beautiful banner, explaining my need for an entire alphabet. And she gladly obliged. Gotta love a girl like that. I told her I worked on the elementary school's bulletin boards, and wanted to play. Here is what I came up with...

You can download the FREE PRINTABLES HERE!  Courtesy of the Giving Madam!!
And if you're a teacher or a parent who loves to celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday (March 1), you can use these adorable cupcake toppers she has here.  Another freebie!
You can see great birthday ideas here on her blog.  SO cute!!
Here is the Giving Madam's Etsy Shop.  Cute things--check it out!


pickmepam said...

i love dr. seuss...
seriously, does anyone not like him?

jamie said...

you are endless, bounty of ideas and inspiration.

Banner Printing said...

Yes I agree the value of Banner printing. Nice to ready the posting keep it up. I share to this website to my friend